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EW Tipping Foundation and Vista EBA Campaign


Click here to access the new EBA.

You can read about the outcomes here.

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Improvements in the new agreement...

  • Wages 2.75% above the minimum
  • Public holiday rates and shift allowances for vista staff
  • 25% casual loading for vista staff
  • Minimum 20 hours in part-time contracts
  • Advanced DSW positions
  • rostering clause
  • Paid family violence leave
  • Ongoing training and supervision
  • Better professional development
  • Mandatory training to be provided in paid time
  • Improved consultation and dispute resolution
  • and much more!


For almost three years, HACSU members across the Tipping Foundation and Vista have been bargaining for a new EBA. HACSU is proud to announce that the Union and The Tipping Foundation/VISTA's EBA has been registered with the Fair Work Commission. 

This EBA campaign was about creating a workplace that would attract and retain the best possible disability support workers. It has been an incredibly tough campaign with Tipping Team Leaders (house supervisors) and middle management undergoing a massive restructure and the ongoing funding constraints of the disability sector. 
HACSU members stood firm and recently implemented protected action bans to increase the pressure on senior management to come to the table with a fair deal. 

Since HACSU members introduced protected action, negotiations sped up, and the parties reached an agreement in April 2017. 

HACSU is incredibly proud of the members who took part in the campaign, especially those who maintained the bans and joined stop work action. 

It is because of your work as a HACSU member that we have achieved this agreement. Without union members fighting for a better deal, Tipping and VISTA staff would be employed on minimum conditions of the SCHADS award, which offer few rights for workers and very little job security.

The new agreement is has been given the rubber stamp by the Fair Work Commission and is in full effect. You or your workplace may be experiencing changes due to the EBA. If you require support or representation, please contact HACSUassist on 9340 4100.

This is a two-year agreement with NO LOSS of current conditions, only improvements. 

Read the full outcomes document here